TUESDAY, MARCH 25TH                    


Students who are driving to school MUST have a NEW PARKING PASS in your vehicle.  Parking passes are available in the HIGH SCHOOL OFFICE.  

Any student that has lettered in their sport and would like a g–jacket:   a representative will be here to measure tomorrow.  A $100 deposit is due at the time of measurements

Prom tickets will be on sale during senior high lunches today through April 16th.  Career center students can purchase prom tickets in the high school office.  Cost is $50 for a single and $90 for a couple.  If you are bringing a student that is not a current GHS student, stop in the office for a form.  Forms will not be accepted after April 16th.  

Attention seniors:  GEA scholarship applications are available in the guidance office.  Deadline is April 11th.

There will be a jr class officer meeting today after school in room 105

Attention girls in grades 8-11 interested in band front.  Tryouts will be April 7-11 from -8pm in the gym



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2024-2025 School Calendar